Tuesday 21 June 2011

Boxes, shelves and other oblong things

I apologise for my silence over the last 3 weeks.  This has not been out of rudeness or laziness just a lack of access. Today we have at last got the internet set up for our flat.

Well that gives away the big announcement of this post: I've moved!
M and I now reside in a one bed room flat complete with garden (be it a very over grown garden that we have to go down an alleyway and unlock a gate to get to, and even then the second gate is broken and can’t be opened.... so we haven’t actually been able to get into the garden but we can see it from the bedroom!)

At the moment we have 1 book shelf, it isn't enough by any means.  We still have quite a few boxes that can’t be unpacked until we have storage.  We are now at the stage where we have the essentials and now we are starting to make it look like a home.  M has done extremely well in finding some brilliant pictures, I have found some fabrics (which have not put them selves up yet, very disappointed at their lack of co-operation).

The move it self was quite straight forward but it was very hard work.  Getting all our furniture up to the first floor was tiring and I am looking forward to having a weekend just to chill out and not have to be collecting some piece of furniture or shampooing the carpet.  No we have the internet I’m really starting to feel comfortable, there is still work that needs doing to the place and yes there are going to be evenings when I come home from work and think right lets get to work, when what I would love to do is just eat dinner and relax for the evening.  But right now I’m enjoying writing this, M cooked a nice dinner and is now playing online games, after his friend helped fix his computer (he really doesn't like being without a PC).

I will conclude this post with the promise of photos in the next instalment.

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